Cheesy tater tot casserole with sour cream
Cheesy tater tot casserole with sour cream

Giving it 10 minutes will NOT endanger it getting cold, trust me! The chili in the bottom of the pan will be screaming hot. Remove the piping hot casserole from the oven and allow it to stand for 10 minutes before diving in. Taco-seasoned shredded cheese is VERY good!īake another 10 minutes until the cheese has melted and the baked tater tots are golden. You can use any shredded cheese you like in this recipe, so be creative. I bake this ensemble in the preheated oven for 45 minutes before sprinkling with a shredded melty cheese like Cheddar and Pepper Jack. You can line them all up or scatter them as I have to allow for the chili to bubble up in between them as the casserole bakes. Scrape the lot into the prepared casserole dish and top with the frozen tater tots in a single layer. Tried this recipe? Let me know how it was! If you taste as you go and find you need salt, add a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce to the mix rather than salt, as it’s way more effective way faster without adding an overage of salt. This is because the Cheddar soup generally contains plenty enough. You’ll notice I do not specify the use of salt in this recipe. Wasn’t that easier than opening a can of chili? I use a big old wooden spoon to stir well and combine and taste for if I need to adjust any seasonings. The chili cooks over medium heat to medium-low heat for another 5 minutes just to heat it through. Stir in some Cheddar soup, a can of corn, a mixture of both chopped red and green pepper, picante (or tomato salsa), some green chiles, a bit of chili powder, black pepper, and a pinch of red pepper flakes. Once drained, add the meat back to the pan. I let this meat mixture go for 8 to 10 minutes before draining.

cheesy tater tot casserole with sour cream

This meal comes together pretty quickly, so I also preheat my oven at this juncture.Ĭook beef in a large skillet over medium high heat along with some chopped onion, celery, and garlic. Spray the bottom of a 9×13-in casserole with cooking spray. corn, either fresh from about 3 ears, canned, or frozen.Easy Cheesy Mexicali Chili Tater Tot Casseroleĭo You Have What’s Needed For A Chili Cheese Tater Tot Casserole Recipe? Check The List! Sunday dinners are generally a casserole of some sort or another, and on this day, I was aiming to use up a remainder of a big old bag of tater tots. This is where Easy Cheesy Mexicali Chili Tater Tot Casserole comes in. Especially if I’ve managed to empty most of the meat and poultry by way of easy casseroles and quick laid-back suppers. If we are hit with a hurricane, we won’t stand to lose so much money in the way of food from the power going down. Hurricane season in the coastal United States south means being ready to evacuate when officials say ‘go.’ For this reason, I begin cooking from my pantry and the freezers in January to lessen my inventory. (Ground chicken and ground turkey also work fabulously in this chili base!) How This Recipe Came About… So grab a baking dish and one pound ground beef and let’s get cooking. I think this dish will be a big hit for that weeknight dinner (in my humble opinion!) in a deliciously perfect way! Busy weeknights require quick meals to fit everyone’s schedules. My post today walks you through starting the chili recipe base from scratch. After a few quick additions, and a buttery ‘pièce de résistance’ topping of crispy tater tots, you’ll have a hot dish that’ll always be a little taste of home!

cheesy tater tot casserole with sour cream

The best part of this hearty meal is that you may use homemade chili, leftover chili (my favorite!), or canned chili as the base. All images and text ©Jenny DeRemer for Not Entirely Average, LLC

Cheesy tater tot casserole with sour cream